About Diceboy:

There are many stupid comments on the recommendation board here that miss the point. The game is exactly as advertised, and while not perfect it fits just fine into its cost bracket. You want to see what this game is like? Just read the Store Page. It’s all there. Most stuff people are complaining about come from not reading and understanding the Page, or overblowing minor things. The low down: You are something like a hamster on a wheel, and to move ahead you need to build, and to build you need pawn – which are die (dices). You have to manage dice rolls, attacks, building, resource management, tech tree, dice themselves, and weather. It’s a kind of micromanagement building game, and if it isn’t fast enough for you do NOT go for the pause option. Some folks complain this is too easy or difficult. They didn’t read the Store Page so I don’t imagine they are reading the game menus and options either – because there are many. It’s mostly pros for the bracket the game is in. Cons: No cloud save. This one seriously ticks me off. Also, customer service is basically non-existent.This is a strange but very compelling game. A scrolling land is revealed before you a bit like Arthur C Clarkes Rendezvous with Rama. You start will with 5 dice – all “peasants”. These are placed onto locations to gain materials which are then used to build stuff, which can improve and change the dice. Its very hard I am finding but I am enjoying it greatly. Not really a real time action game – you can pause it to think – more of an avant guarde board game. Recommended.

How to run Diceboy roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat